Measurement, Verification & Validation
POWER MEASUREMENTS - measuring power, energy, load distribution
Energy measurements are used to determine energy flows in buildings, plants, production lines. Main goal of measurements that we perform is to give us knowledge about significant places of energy consumption, energy balance and energy flows. Based on this data, an analysis finds the structure of energy consumption and places where there are processes with irrationalities and locates problems.
Also, we are able to assist you in the selection of the optimal measurement system for the installation of a permanent monitoring system in your organization. -
MEASUREMENT OF MOISTURE IN MATERIALS - Determination of moisture content in all types of materials
The measurements are used to detect the moisture content of water in the material. Although the standard method of measuring moisture - a method of drying the sample to constant weight (until all the water evaporates) simple, inexpensive and widely enforceable, its major drawback is speed.
The standard method of measurement results obtained after several hours of drying material, depending on the type of material. This fact affects the applicability of standard methods. We offer instruments for rapid measurement of moisture, as well as instruments for measuring humidity in real time. The application of these instruments allow various optimization and process automation. Also, saving energy consumed for drying materials in the process are often very significant. There is certainly a process safety, reducing the possibilities of fire, reduce waste and increase reliability in preserving the quality of products and others. -
MEASUREMENT OF AIR TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY - checking and monitoring microclimate conditions
Control of microclimate conditions in the area has several important aspects. The importance of measuring and monitoring ranges from preserving the health and increasing the productivity and effectiveness of people staying in control conditions, control over the conditions of storage and transportation of various products, to preserving the safety of food and pharmaceutical products.
VERIFICATION of implemented measures to increase energy efficiency - proof of how much you have saved
Implementation of energy efficiency measures and control energy costs require complex and accurate method of verification of results achieved. Very often, the implementation of some of the energy efficiency measures are not "shown" through reduced energy bill. The reasons for this are manifold, and as one of the simpler we will give the effect of ambient temperature. Although you have, for example, replaced a boiler for heating that is more energy efficient in November, it is very likely that the energy bill for heating in December to be higher than in October. We perform measurements and verification by international protocol (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol - IPMVP), which will objectively demonstrate the effects that you made.
Mapping and validation of process, equipment and software - documented proof of functionality & reliability
Mapping is the set of measurements we conduct in order to establish a 3D picture of facility, room or storage in order to find critical points for further monitoring as necessary to proof micro climate conditions in it.
Verification and validation, in engineering, confirming that a product or service meets the needs of its users
Software validation is checking that a software system meets specifications and fulfills its intended purpose.
Process validation is defined as the collection and evaluation of data, from the process design stage through commercial production, which establishes evidence that a process is capable of consistently delivering quality product. Process validation involves a series of activities taking place over the lifecycle of the product and process.